1. “英雄联盟”(League of Legends)

  2. “DOTA 2”

  3. “CS:GO” (Counter-Strike: Global Offensive)

  4. “彩虹六号:围攻” (Rainbow Six: Siege)

  5. “守望先锋” (Overwatch)

  6. “炉石传说” (Hearthstone)

  7. “魔兽争霸III:冰封王座” (Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne)

  8. “星际争霸II” (StarCraft II)

  9. “绝地求生” (PlayerUnknown’s Battlegrounds, PUBG)

  10. “堡垒之夜” (Fortnite)

  11. “Dota Auto Chess”

  12. “英雄联盟云顶之弈” (Teamfight Tactics)

  13. “王者荣耀” (Honor of Kings)

  14. “和平精英” (Game for Peace / PUBG Mobile)

  15. “绝地求生移动版” (PUBG Mobile)

  16. “第五人格” (Identity V)

  17. “明日之后” (DayZ)

  18. “刺激战场” (PUBG Mobile)

  19. “全军出击” (Call of Duty: Mobile)

  20. “荒野行动” (Game for Peace / PUBG Mobile)

  21. “绝地求生:大逃杀” (PlayerUnknown’s Battlegrounds, PUBG)

  22. “决战!平安京” (Jade Empire)

  23. “王者荣耀世界冠军杯” (Honor of Kings World Champion Cup)

  24. “穿越火线:枪战王者” (CrossFire:枪战王者)

  25. “火影忍者》手游 (Naruto Mobile)